
A good example of what a man should be left this world yesterday. He is home. A place where I have longed to be for so long. Bob was a man who walked with God in heart and always had a smile on his face. Cancer could not even bring this man down. As of October I’ve been told he was told he was cancer free only to be taken down just a few months later by covid. His wife is just as wonderful as him and my heart goes out to her. I know the anger and pain she is feeling right now and the saddest thing is she wasn’t even allowed to be with him as he passed from this life into his better life. I can not imagine not being able to hold Tony’s hand as he left this world. I felt Tony’s last heartbeat and saw him take his last breath and I was there and he knew he was not alone. Bob was not alone, He had God, but for Lisa, life would have been a little easier for her if she had been able to say her goodbyes. She will feel like he was alone and she will always be angry at not being able to be there even though it was not in her control. She knows that he was not alone but she will still not get over not being there herself. I hurt for her. She will be loved and she will be ok though, just as I am loved and ok. She lost her best friend, her husband, her soul mate. I ache for her. Bob you will be missed by all the thousands of lives you touched, at home and on the mission fields. Everyone will remember you.

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